Charity Fundraiser -
The Lollipop Game

by Jennifer Palmer
(Trion, Ga USA)

My company has a United Way Charity campaign once a year that runs for one month and we run a charity fundraiser called the lollipop game.

Take a square piece of styrofoam and decorate it with any kind of decorative paper. Take dum dum suckers or any other kind of kids lollipop (obviously not ice lollies) you prefer, and color the bottom of the stick with different colors for color coding. After you color code them, stick them into the styrofoam.

Let people pay from $1 to whatever you want to charge to pick a sucker / lollipop. Each color code is a small prize. Have a variety of prizes to give away. Companies will donate small items for a lesser give away. Examples: Wendys, Little Caesars, local restaurants, walmart, or any place you can think of. Depending on how much money you want to raise, choose gifts accordingly to give away. Always use headed paper when asking for prizes for your organization to get better donations.

Just use your imagination with this one.

Neill Wilkins from adds - This is a great idea for the office or even on a reception desk where you can capture people's imagination (and their small change) as they visit your company.

It also works well at fundraising fetes as a neat variation on "golden egg" / "lucky straws" where people pay to buy a lolly but a few have coloured sticks and win an extra prize.

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