

You put in the effort.
But how do you collect the cash?

As fundraising has become more organised and often more professional a number of companies have started offering services to charity fundraisers.

Of these perhaps the most well-known is JustGiving. (They are called FirstGiving in the USA) This innovative company have been operating since 2000 and in that time have helped all sorts of charities raise a total of over £1 billion.

What is it ?

Its an easy to use web based system that allows charities and their supporters to collect funds online. This makes collecting money totally secure, transparent and a very easy ask for anyone undertaking a fundraising event for charity. It also can help ensure that money is collected in the most tax efficient way.

How it works for fundraisers

It is really simple to use. Anyone looking to raise money for their favourite good cause simply sets up a fundraising web-page hosted on the JG website. This is point-and-click easy and the company reckon you can build a basic page in 60 seconds. We think a bit longer but it is certainly not difficult even for the "technology challenged"

Most fundraisers will probably want to add a bit more detail anyway and it is very easy to add a lot more personal details, photos and even videos.

Importantly it is very clear and easy how other people can make a donation to your charity through your page.

Once you are happy with your page you submit it and it is up and running straight away.

JustGiving for charity

The company offer lots of advice on the best ways to share your page with friends, family and anyone else likely to support your efforts and make a donation.

This makes it perfect for anyone looking for sponsorship for

  • Marathons
  • Fun runs
  • Endurance events
  • Polar plunges
  • Abseils
  • Parachute jumps
  • Head shaves
  • Baked Bean baths

and all sorts of other fundraising events

As you direct as many people as possible to your fundraising page and donations start to come in the total amount raised is clearly tracked and recorded on your page.

In Memory Pages - This simple feature allows you to quickly set up a fundraising page in memory of a loved one. This is a perfect way for friends and relatives to honour the memory of someone by supporting a good cause.

Facebook App and Social Media - A bit inevitable in this day and age but of course their is also an app for collecting via Facebook and all common social media and mobile platforms.

How it works for donors

JustGiving Donation

JustGiving is a simple way that you can support anyone you know who is undertaking an event for charity. Donating by credit and debit card and by PayPal is easy, safe and secure. It is also tax efficient as Gift Aid can be claimed back on your donation. A more recent and popular feature are donations by text.

All you need to do is visit the donation page of the person you wish to support. A few clicks and the job is done. Do not think either that you need to make a large donation; small amounts are the norm. The beauty of the system is that they quickly add up. You can also leave a message of support if you wish

Note - If you planned to make regular donations to one charity this would be better done by direct debit.

How it works for charities

Things are very easy for charities also. Charities big or small simply enter their details and sign up. Once registered they let their supporters and fundraisers know they can be supported through JustGiving.

Any payments made to fundraising pages supporting that charity are paid out to the charity on a weekly basis.

What does JustGiving cost?

To fundraisers - Nothing

To doners - Nothing

To charities - £15.00 per month and 5% of donations

A quick explanation of these fees - JustGiving has always been totally transparent about its fee structure. Its systems are simple, reliable, totally trustworthy, easy to use and offer extremely good value for money to many charities, particularly small ones who would never be able to afford the technology to process payments in this way.

All charities have all sorts of administration and running costs. Outsourcing this payment collection is actually a very efficient way of managing their affairs.

As people support their friends and relatives having a donation page is generally believed to substantially increase the returns of most fundraising events. The system also allows charities to spread their "fundraising ask" far wider and attract new supporters. Basically it makes it extremely easy for charity fundraisers to get on with raising money for the causes close to their hearts.


There are now a number of companies offering comparable services. Some have fee structures which may look more favourable.

Many of these companies however will be very interested in "your supporters" and be very keen to "offer" additional services or "share" information with advertisers. You also might find that your fundraising pages contain lots of advertisements etc.

JustGiving pledge that no information will ever be shared with any 3rd party.

JustGiving / FirstGiving are a respected and responsible company which offer a very useful service to the charity sector.

www.better-fundraising-ideas.com have no hesitation in endorsing them.

Visit their website

Virgin Money Giving

We have personally also used Virgin Money Fundraising a number of times for our own fundraising activities. It is also simple to use but totally free. We have never had any problem with a lot of spam mail afterward and would also highly recommend it for fundraisers in the UK .

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