Easter Fundraising Ideas
These great Easter fundraising ideas
Are "eggsactly" what you're looking for!
Easter Sunday is 20th April 2025
Easter is a major celebration and festival in many parts of the world.
Of course that means its also a great opportunity for coming up with some top Easter Fundraisers.
The Easter Bunny
A central character for many Easter celebrations. Someone dressed up
in a Bunny Suit makes a perfect host for your Easter Fundraisers,
particularly if you are working on fundraising ideas for kids. Don't
forget to invite your guests to have their picture taken with The
Easter Bunny before they go home.
- Breakfast, lunch or tea with the Easter Bunny - Invite children to a special Easter Bunny party.
- Easter Bunny Hop - A fun bunny dance party where everyone has a pair of rabbits ears.
- Easter Bunny Pizza Party - This is a guaranteed winner with the kids. Simply shape your dough into a rabbit's face for a perfect Easter Fundraiser.
At all these events having some real live pet bunnies for the children to hold (under
supervision) adds another dimension. A few hoppity party games such as
musical bumps would also always be popular. You could also combine these
with any other Easter fundraising ideas or some of the Easter Egg ideas
Easter Cake Competition
A simple Easter cake / cookie competition is an easy addition to any Easter Fundraiser
Easter Wreath
Not just a fundraising idea for Christmas. You could either
- Make and sell Easter Wreaths
- Organise an Easter Wreath competition
Don't just think of using Easter eggs. You could also use flowers, sweets, chicks etc
Easter Egg Fundraisers
Traditionally Easter eggs are part of the Easter celebrations. But
there are many ways they can be incorporated into your Easter
- Easter Egg Hunt - This is a well
known part of many people's Easter. Small wrapped chocolate / candy
eggs are hidden around a certain area such as a garden, playground,
sports field. Children then hunt for the eggs. There are lots of
variations fundraisers can do around this. Charge a fee to take part or
use the Easter Egg Hunt as a free event around which you can work some
other fundraising ideas such as raffles, fete activities and
- How Many Easter Eggs In The Jar? - Fill a jar with small candy eggs. Charge people to guess how many. Closest guess wins.
- Raffle a Big Easter Egg - A really big Easter Egg in a basket makes a great focal point for an Easter raffle.

- Easter Egg Cosies - Any knitters in your group? These cute egg cosies are perfect to sell at any Easter Fair.
- Easter Egg Toss - This is a great idea
for sports fundraisers or older school groups. An egg is thrown between 2
people, the distance between them increasing each time a successful
catch is made. The winner is the longest completed throw without the egg
being broken or dropped. This could be a great focal point for a
special Easter event (fancy dress would add to the fun!) or just as a
simple fundraiser alongside something else.
- Golden Egg - There are lots
of variations you can do with this fete favourite and it is particularly
appropriate at Easter. A tray of painted eggs part buried in sand / shavings. One has a golden mark on its base to mean a prize. This rig up was for Red Nose Day in the UK.
The number of eggs is down to you how much you are charging and how often you want to give out a prize
- Easter Egg Shy
- The Easter version of a coconut shy - perfect for an Easter
Fundraising Fair. Replace the normal coconuts with painted polystyrene
or papier mache eggs. Knock them off to win a prize. Sent in by Little Buds Charity- UK
- Decorated Easter Egg Competition
- Get people to decorate an egg. This might be the most detailed and
beautiful ornamentation or the funniest face and accessories (wooly
wigs, felt hats etc).If real eggs are too small to show the true
artistic talent cover balloons with papier mache and have some bigger
A decorated egg competition makes a good focal point around which you
can work some other fundraisers. If your eggs were impressive however
you might like to display them, for instance at an Easter Fete, a town
centre during Easter or outside your church after the Easter service
with a collecting jar, plate or bucket in front of them. People could
then vote for their favourites with their spare change; the egg that
collects the most cash being the winner.
There are some more neat ideas on our Easter Pinterest Page
Easter Bonnet Parade
This is a very old Easter tradition but can make a great Easter
fundraising idea too. It works very well as a cute fundraising idea for
kids as they all get dressed up in hats too big for them and a few of
Mum's accessories.
Alternatively encourage children to make their
own Easter Bonnet. These can be traditional or a modern take on the
idea. All entrants then parade at your fundraising event before a winner
is chosen.
Tip - The local press love this sort of thing at Easter make sure you let them know.
Good luck with your Easter Fundraising Ideas
Have A Great Easter
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