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Better Fundraiser - Issue 8
April 05, 2013

Hi and welcome to Better Fundraiser - Issue Number 8
The ezine from we hope you will find it interesting and useful. Tough times all around with constant economic doom and gloom. Whilst we struggle to slowly find a way out of the difficulties we find ourselves in the need for people to support schools and charities has never been more acute. It is comforting and inspiring to think however, that even in the bleakest of times people continue to find time and resources to support their favourite good causes.

Maybe in some ways at times when it can seem that so much is beyond our immediate control being involved in charity activity is actually empowering. We can be strong and say well this is what I am, and this is what I think and amongst everything that is going on this is the thing that is important to me...and I am going to do my best to help out....and what's more....I'm actually going to have as much fun as possible doing so.

I hope that's right anyway. When I look at my own life I know that running this website and the little bits that I do for my school PTA and other local and national charities are always amongst the most fun.

Neill Wilkins

2 Ends of the scale

We start this time with 2 different fundraisers at very different ends of the money scale. But both equally great and fun and inspiring.

Firstly a fiend of the website Mark Greenfield. Mark is a very keen marathon runner and, in a moment of madness, signed up to undertake the Marathon de Sables.

This grueling feat of endurance lasting several days involves running 150 miles across the Sahara Desert. Mark is accompanied by running pal Keith, along with hundreds of other runners from all around the world.

This intrepid pair have, as well as undertaking some very serious training, pledged to raise money for Clic Sergeant a children's cancer charity. Mark runs his own shopfitting company and has been able to persuade all sorts of supplier and client companies (along with this website) to sponsor them. . Including donations from friends and relatives they have already raised over £12,000. You can find out more on their mini-website. Keith and Mark Run Across A

Now if you are more the sort of person for whom the extent of your exercise regime is a trip to the kitchen for the biscuit tin here is a simple fundraising success story for you.

I have to declare an interest here. The young fundraiser in question is my own daughter Loveday. Inspired once more by UK fundraising festival Comic Relief which raises money for development projects in Africa she once more organised CakeFest. This simple fundraiser already has its own page on the website CakeFest

But now here we were again CakeFest 2013 The basic idea is very simple. With the help of her mum she made a selection of biscuits, cookies and cakes which were then shared (for a donation) with friends and family specially invited to an open house afternoon. Whilst there, along with tea and cakes, they could take part in a number of simple fundraisers - how many Maltesers in the jar, put a flag in the map where you think the treasure is buried etc. There were also some specific Comic Relief fundraisers that you could download from their website.

Ok fundraising on a much smaller scale but Loveday still managed to raise over £140 and we all had a great afternoon….and ate too many cakes!

London Olympics and Paralympics

So this is the first ezine since last year's London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and wasn't it fantastic. We, like everyone else, (at least in the UK) were caught up in all the fun. Here is a picture of my daughter at the Olympic Stadium before one of our best days as a family ever.

What many commentators noted and something that was very evident was the fantastic contribution made to the London Games by the huge army of volunteers both at the stadium and across the city. They were fun, friendly, helpful and really up for a laugh. A great advert for the power of volunteering.

We mentioned in the last ezine that Anthony Stewart a local stalwart of a number of children's charities was to carry the Olympic torch through our home town of Chichester. Here is Anthony with the torch. He subsequently visited dozens of schools, clubs and events and attended a number of Summer Fairs in order that as many people as possible could see, hold and have their photo taken with the torch.

Do you like our new pictures?

Regular visitors to our website will have noticed a few additions recently. Working with a talented computer artist Bex we have produced a great series of graphic images for many of our main pages.

They are all based on our "little man" getting up to all sorts of fundraising activities. We are really pleased with these and think that they really add to the friendly look of the website. We hope you agree.

These 2 are a couple of particular favourites but check out the others on the website when you have time.

Is there fundraising gold in them there hills?

One of the nicest things about running this website is when people send in their own fundraising ideas. We know how popular these are and our pages featuring "sent in" ideas are always amongst our most visited.

This month we received an idea with a difference from a Metal Detecting Club. Apparently they are always looking for new places for club "search days". Their members will make a donation to a nominated charity to take part. Ok not everyone owns suitable land…but some people do and if you don't own it yourself you could always act as a go-between. There may be all sorts of clubs in your local area who might welcome an opportunity to use an appropriate piece of land for different activities. What ideas could you come up with?

More details here

Metal Detecting

Simple fundraiser - Lucky Birthdays

This was a great new fundraising stall that we tried out at our local school fair this year. The basic idea is very simple. People pay to have their birthday entered into a special draw. Everyone thinks that their birthday is that little bit special and how galling if someone else's name was on your special day as it won the prize. We also found that it worked particularly well with Grans and Mums who would buy the birth dates of their entire family.

Ok it was never going to be a great money earner (although it did make a nice bit) but what people liked was seeing a new and novel idea rather than the same old fundraisers which can start to look a bit tired. We recommend you give it a go. Full details and some handy templates are available here Lucky Birthdays

Bake Sale Favourites: Anzac Biscuits

This time our Bake Sale Favourite comes from Down Under Anzac Day (25th April) is a national day of remembrance for World War 1 Veterans in Australia and New Zealand. (ANZAC)

Anzac Biscuits are great any time of year and a perfect addition to a Bake Sale

This recipe makes approx 20 biscuits

Ingredients • 85g of porridge oats • 85g of desiccated coconut • 100g of plain flour • 100g of caster sugar • 100g of butter, plus a little bit more for greasing the baking tray • 1 tbsp of golden syrup • 1 tbsp of bicarbonate of soda or baking powder

Set your oven to 180c gas 4.

Put the porridge oats, desiccated coconut, plain flour and caster sugar in to a big bowl.

Add the bicarbonate of soda or baking powder to 2 tbsp of boiling water.

Melt the butter in a small pan and add in the 1 tbsp of golden syrup stir it till mixed in. Add the bicarbonate of soda or baking powder mix to the butter and golden syrup mixture.

Make a hole in the dry mix and add the butter and golden syrup mixture to it. Mix it until a ‘dough’ is formed, if your mix is too dry add some water to it but make sure you don’t add too much.

Grease 2 baking trays and make 18 to 20 balls of mixture. Put them on the baking trays flattening them as you do so. Leave room so they can spread out when they cook.

Put them in the oven for about 8 to 10 minutes, until golden crispy.

Cool on a rack before eating

Do you have a bake sale favourite?

Send the recipe in to us and we will try to include it either on the web site or in a future edition of Better Fundraiser.

Send Us Your Ideas

We really do love hearing about good little fundraising ideas and love to add the best to the site. Our site statistics show us that lots of our visitors enjoy reading these ideas sent in by readers too.

So if you have a good fundraising idea either that you have seen somewhere or done yourself please send it in.

Don't forget to include all the details of your idea. Lots of the people who visit our site are looking for ideas because they are "newbies" who suddenly find themselves on the fundraising committee of their school, church or local charity. They want all the details experienced "old hands" like yourselves can give them.

Of particular use are the little tips and wrinkles that make an idea (even a well known one) work that little be better. So please don't be shy. Your idea could end up helping a fundraiser the other side of the world. You can read other peoples ideas and send us your own (and photos if you have them) at this link. Your Ideas

Take Care and we hope you continue to have a great Summer of fundraising success.
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